presents DLPilot
DLPilot emulates the Tandy TPDD drive on PalmOS PDAs that have a serial port. So far it
has been tested on the following serial Palms:
- Palm Vx
- Palm III
- Palm IIIxe
- Palm VIIx
- Palm M505
- Palm Tungsten T3
- Palm Tungsten W
- Handspring Treo 90
- Handspring Visor Prism
- Handera 330
(PalmOS must be 3.3 or greater)
For those who don't know what a TPDD is: the TRS-80/Tandy TPDD ( Tandy Portable Disk Drive ) is a battery
powered, ultra-quiet portable floppy disk drive that connects to the
serial port of the
- TRS-80 Model 100
- Tandy 102
- NEC 8201a
- NEC 8300
- Tandy WP-2
and other devices. Lots of Model 100 vintage laptop users have this
drive, and some don't. They aren't plentiful anymore, and the old ones
are breaking (I mean the drives, not the users!). So I created DLPilot to emulate these old drives.
I've been asked to make early copies available, so If you are willing to keep up with the alpha releases then you
can buy what I have for $25.
When the final version is released it will cost $30. For those who buy before release, the upgrade fee will be only $5.
Send email to with your name and address if you would like to order a copy, and I will send you the invoice as a PDF file. I accept Paypal or check drawn on U.S. bank in U.S. funds.
Details of the currently shipping version:
- Validated working with Tungsten T3 by Daryn Hanright! [turn off Bluetooth!]
- DO file auto-converted to PalmDOC text files
- Save/load binary C* files
- Tested with TS-DOS ROM, Booster Pak
- Tested with TEENY
- Tested with WP-2 (Built-In) Diskette Driver
- Tested with FLOPPY.CO
- Tested with POWR-DOS
- Rename and delete files on the Palm from your laptop
- XON/XOFF text file upload for driver bootstrap
If you have a Palm III you need to be running at least PalmOS 3.3, which is available free to Palm III,IIIx, V,
IBM WorkPad 20x, 30x, C3 users at PalmOS 3.3 Upgrade
For vintage PCs that connect to floppy via a controller instead of a serial cable, check out Eric J. Rothfus's "Semi-Virtual Disk", a flash based floppy disk emulator which plugs directly into your vintage machine's floppy controller. Disk images are transferred to it from your PC via Serial cable. It has many other features too.
If you want to pay by PayPal* my address is
If you are in California, please add 7.25% to cover tax.
Screenshots of DLPilot on a Palm Vx PDA:

* PayPal charges me fees for
using PayPal. If you want to go the extra mile (not required, I won't
even give you funny looks if you don't) and pay my fees, here is the
Let x be the actual price of the goods + shipping cost
Let y be the final price you ask the buyer to send you via
Paypal standard rate fees are y * .029 + .30
Then y - x should be equal to the Paypal fee.
y - x = y * .029 + .30
Solving for y gives
y - y *.029 = x + .30
y ( 1 - .029) = x + .30
y = (x + .30) / (.971)
So for $25 that would be $26.06