Model 100 System Map Part 1 (0000-0CD9)
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------------------------ | Model 100 System Map | ------------------------ ROM: Part I Copyright 1985 Revision Date: 09/30/85 Compiled and Researched by: Robert D. Covington Systems Information Management Consultants [Not associated with The Covington Group, N. Y., N. Y.] This document may be duplicated and distributed free of charge to any individuals who desire it. Any duplications of this document, however, must inluce all of the information contained here-in, with no deletions or changes. The author and distributors of this document make no expressed or implied warrantees as to the validity of the information contained here in. - Model 100 ROM Memory Map - 0000H - System Reset 0008H - Compare character following RST 8H with the character pointed to by HL. Entry: HL - Points to the buffer to be used for the comparison. The character after call is compared with the character pointed to by HL. Exit: If compare is successful a RST 10H is issued If compare is unsuccessful, a SYNTAX ERROR is generated 0010H - Get the next character in the buffer pointed to by HL and place it in the A register. HL is incremented prior to the load. Spaces and tabs in the buffer are skipped. Entry: HL - Points to buffer Exit: A - Character loaded from buffer HL - Incremented C flag - Set if character is a digit Z flag - Set if character is a colon or null 0018H - Compare DE and HL Entry: HL - Number to compare DE - Number to compare Exit: C flag - Set if HL<DE Z flag - Set if HL=DE A - Destroyed 001EH - Send a space to the screen or printer depending on the output flag at F675H. Entry: F675H - Device to output space to (0-screen, 1-printer) Exit: A - 20H 0020H - Print character in A on the screen or printer depending on the output flag F675H. Entry: A - Character to print F675H - Device to output character to (0-screen, 1-printer) 0024H - 8085 TRAP interrupt vector. This non maskable interrupt is generated if the CPU does not have enough power to operate. When the interrupt occurs, the CPU jumps to F602H. 0028H - Determine the type of the last variable used. Exit: A - Destroyed Z flag - Set if string C flag - Reset if double precision S flag - Set (M) if integer P flag - Odd if single precision 002CH - 8085 RST 5.5 interrupt vector. This interrrupt is generated by the data being present on the Bar Code Reader port. This interrupt jumps to F5F9H. 0030H - Returns sign of FAC1 Exit: A - Destroyed 0034H - 8085 RST 6.5 interrupt vector. This interrupt is generated if a character is pending on the RS232 UART. The RAM vector F5FCH is called on each interrupt. 0038H - RAM vector table driver. The byte after the call determines the offset index for the highmem vector table starting at FADAH. This routine calls the contents of the address computed by adding the offset to FADAH. 003CH - 8085 RST 7.5 interrupt vector. This interrupt is generated by the internal timer normally at regular 4 microsecond intervals (255 times per second). On each interrupt, the Model 100 performs a keyboard scan and updates the typeahead buffer if nescessary. The RAM vector F5FFH is called on each interrupt. 0040H - Start of function vector table for SGN to MID$ 007FH - End of function vector table 0080H - Start of BASIC statement keyword table END to NEW 018EH - End of BASIC statement keyword table 018FH - Start of function keywords TAB to < 01EFH - End of function keywords TAB to < 01F0H - Start of function keywords SGN to MID$ 025FH - End of function keywords SGN to MID$ 0262H - Start of BASIC statement vector table for END to NEW 02E1H - End of BASIC statement vector table 02EEH - Start of vector for math operations (used at 10DAH) 031BH - End of math vector table 031CH - Start of BASIC 2 character error message text 0359H - End of error message text 035AH - Initialization image loaded at F5F0H-F76FH on cold boot 036FH - Code loaded at F605H on boot to detect external ROM 03E9H - End of initialization image 0401H - Pop the return address for a NEXT or RETURN off the stack. 0422H - Initialize system and go to BASIC ready 0446H - Generate Syntax error 0449H - Generate /0 error 044CH - Generate NF error 044FH - Generate DD error 0452H - Generate RW error 0455H - Generate OV error 0458H - Generate MO error 045BH - Generate TM error 045DH - Generate error number E Entry: E - Contains error number 048DH - Restore old stack and runtime pointers and jump to the address in BC. Entry: BC - Address to jump to following the call Exit: HL - Contains the contents of FB99H 0501H - Vector to BASIC Ready (Ok). Pops the last address off the stack to maintain stack integrity. 0502H - Vector to BASIC Ready (Ok). Jump. 0511H - Vector to BASIC ready that does not reinitialize the system or print Ok. This is primarily used inside the BASIC ready routine if a blank or illegal line was entered and control must return back to BASIC ready. 0523H - Perform operation in (HL) buffer and return to BASIC ready. Entry: HL - Points to the BASIC command line terminated with a carriage return (0DH) 05F0H - Update in memory line addresses for the current BASIC program lines. Address calculations start with the start of BASIC pointer. This routine is primarily used if a program has been loaded off tape or if the current program has been edited. Exit: HL, DE, and AF are destroyed 0626H - Put the contents of HL on the stack (to save it) and find the line number in DE via 0628H. On return from this routine, you must POP HL off the stack to return it to its original value and to preserve stack balance. 0628H - Find line # DE starting at the beginning of the current BASIC program. Entry: DE - Line number to find Exit: BC - Address of line HL - Address of next line C flag - Set if line found Z flag - Set if line not found 062BH - Find the line number in DE via 0628H but start at the address in HL instead at the start of the BASIC program. Entry: HL - Location to start line number search DE - Line number to find Exit: See 0628H 0646H - Token compression routine 0726H - FOR Statement 076BH - TO Statement 0783H - STEP Statement 0804H - BASIC program execution routine. This routine evaluates the compressed BASIC code and executes the appropriate instructions. Upon return from most instructions, this address is placed on the top of the stack. Routines which wish to continue program execution should vector here if the stack becomes unbalanced. Entry: HL - Points to compressed BASIC code to execute 083AH - Start executing a program at the address in HL. This routine starts the 0804H program executer routine. Entry: HL - Points to location where program exectution is to begin. 0840H - Execute the compressed instruction token in the A register. Any parameters for the instruction must be in the buffer pointed to by HL. If the contents of the A register are less than 128 then a LET is executed. Entry: A - Compressed BASIC token for the instruction that is to be executed. HL - Points to the buffer which contains the parameters to the BASIC statement. 0858H - RST 10H routine (see 10H). 0859H - Same as RST 10H but with no pre-increment of HL (see 10H). 0872H - DEF Statement 0881H - DEFDBL statement 0886H - DEFINT statement 0896H - DEFSNG statement 089FH - DEFSTR statement 08A1H - Declare the variables in the buffer pointed to by HL to the type in the E register. The variables in the buffer pointed to by HL must be in the same form as those used for a DEF(type) statement in BASIC. Entry: E - Type of variable (2-integer, 3-string, 4-single precision, 8-double precision) HL - Points to buffer containing variables to declare. 08DBH - Generate FC Error 08E0H - Evaluate line number text pointed to by HL. This routine will evaluate an ASCII line number or a "." Entry: HL - Points to buffer where line number describer is. The buffer is terminated by any non-number other than a ".". Exit: Same as 08EBH 08EBH - Convert the ASCII number pointed to by HL to binary. Number must be less than 65529 and be an integer. Entry: HL - Points to the ASCII number buffer. The buffer is terminated by any non-number. Exit: DE - Contains the binary equivalent of buffer A - Destroyed C flag - Set if a number was present 08ECH - Same as 08EBH except that conversion starts at HL+1 090FH - RUN Statement 091EH - GOSUB Statement 0936H - GOTO Statement 094DH - Generate UL error 0966H - RETURN Statement 099EH - DATA Statement 09A0H - REM Statement 09C3H - LET Statement. Perform the variable assignment in the buffer pointed to by HL. Entry: HL - Points to the variable assignment to evaluate. 0A2FH - ON Statement 0A34H - ON ERROR Statement 0AB0H - RESUME Statement 0B0FH - ERROR Statement 0B1AH - IF Statement 0B4EH - LPRINT Statement 0B56H - PRINT Statement 0C01H - TAB Statement 0C45H - LINE Statement 0C99H - INPUT # Statement 0CA3H - INPUT Statement 0CD9H - READ Statement