Model 100 ROM
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The Model 100 has different hardware versions. One of the main differences is the ROM chip. Older units generally have the LH35618 chip and new the 3256C01, which is a 27256 compatible chip.
Steven Adolph has a document on this in his personal files at Club100
The chip pinout are:
Pin# LH535618 3256C07 1 VDD VPP 2 A10 A12 3 A7 A7 4 A6 A6 5 A5 A5 6 A4 A4 7 A3 A3 8 A2 A2 9 A1 A1 10 A0 A0 11 D0 D0 12 D1 D1 13 D2 D2 14 GND GND 15 D3 D3 16 D4 D4 17 D5 D5 18 D6 D6 19 D7 D7 20 A11 /CE 21 /OE A10 22 A13 /OE 23 /CE A11 24 A12 A9 25 A9 A8 26 A8 A13 27 /CS A14 28 A14 VCC