RBASIC on Linux
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RBASIC was designed for DOS/Windows, but it seems to run fine under WINE on Linux.
Note that for .EXE's to launch under WINE on Debian, I had to make them executable. You can leave them non-executable if you prefix commands with 'wine'.
mv RBASICXP.exe RBASICXP.EXE chmod +x RBASICXP.EXE chmod +x A100.EXE
Here is a GNU makefile for a simple RBASIC project. Instructions are embedded in the makefile for tailoring to your own installation and project.
# Skeleton Makefile for RBASIC projects on Linux. # # Copyright (C) 2009 DevWrights # Author: John R. Hogerhuis (jhoger@pobox.com) # # 0. Install Wine, srecord, and GNU Make, and unzip RBASIC somewhere # 1. Copy this into your project directory with your *.100 source file # 2. Edit WINTOOLSPATH, TOOLSPATH to point to RBASIC # WINTOOLSPATH must be a path WINE will grok. # TOOLSPATH must be a path BASH will grok. # 3. Customize RBASICOPT, ASMOPT with any desired switches # 4. Set PROGRAM to the name of your BASIC ASCII source # file, omitting extension. I.e., for XYZ.100, PROGRAM=XYZ # 5. make clean # 6. make # 7. Burn the resulting .BX with REXMGR or load it as an OptROM with # VirtualT. WINTOOLSPATH=Z:\\home\\john\\tools\\RBASIC TOOLSPATH=~/tools/RBASIC RBASIC=$(TOOLSPATH)/RBASICXP.EXE RBASICOPT=/O0 /C ASM=$(TOOLSPATH)/A100.EXE ASMOPT=/I$(WINTOOLSPATH)\\ PROGRAM=SYSDAT ALL: $(PROGRAM).BX $(PROGRAM).BIN .PRECIOUS : $(PROGRAM).ASM $(PROGRAM).HEX %.ASM : %.100 $(RBASIC) $(RBASICOPT) $< $@ %.HEX : %.ASM $(ASM) $(ASMOPT) $< %.BX : %.HEX @srec_cat -Output TRUNC_$@ -Binary $< -Intel 2> /dev/null @dd if=/dev/zero bs=1024 count=32 of=$@ 2> /dev/null @dd if=TRUNC_$@ of=$@ conv=notrunc 2> /dev/null @rm -f TRUNC_$@ 2> /dev/null @echo "Converted Intel hex $< -> $@" %.BIN : %.BX cp $< $@ clean: -rm -f $(PROGRAM).HEX -rm -f $(PROGRAM).PRN -rm -f $(PROGRAM).SYM -rm -f $(PROGRAM).ASM -rm -f $(PROGRAM).BX -rm -f $(PROGRAM).BIN