Model T DocGarden

From Bitchin100 DocGarden
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The Bitchin100 DocGarden contains user and developer contributed documentation for true portable laptops.

Tandy Disk Drive Emulators

TPDD emulators, in concert with a compatible disk clients like TS-DOS, TEENY, POWR-DOS, FLOPPY.CO, the Booster Pak, or the WP-2 built-in Diskette client are the most "advanced" way to accurately and quickly transfer all file types including binary files to and from your Model T laptop. There are different options for the server side on modern operating systems and devices:

LaddieCon is a TPDD emulator for Windows written in C#.Net.

DLPilot is a TPDD emulator for PalmOS devices.

DLPlus is a TPDD emulator for Linux, BSD, and MacOSX.

Simple Text File Transfer (No Client)

You can use any "terminal program" to transfer text files to and from your Model T laptop. Here are some tutorials:

Text File Transfer using Hyperterminal

Text File Transfer to Mac using Z-Term

Model T Hardware Projects

Remem is the ultimate Model T memory upgrade

remem-users mailing list This is a support list for remem users.

Rex is an upcoming flash OptROM emulator/switcher

Rex2 is a upcoming flash OptROM emulator/switcher with support for a 64K all-RAM mode. This permits running with a patched main ROM, or the upcoming mtcpm (Model T CP/M)

Model T Software Projects

mtcpm CP/M for the Tandy 100/102/200

Model T Developer Reference


Other Topics

International Keyboard Support