Model T Option ROMs

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This page is intended to be a database of all known Option ROMs that were/are commercially available, including version numbers.

Add a new table entry for each unique ROM image. That is, if you have two option ROMS, and they differ by more than one byte value, they should have separate entries. I am assuming ROMs were not "serialized" by embedding a serial number or customer name within each one, though it is conceivable.

NameTargetVersionDescriptionInstallUninstallImage File
TS-DOSModel 1004.0TPDD file manipulation
BASIC DOS extensions
CALL 63013,0DOS-OFF (change BASIC vectors back to RET)
Delete trigger file
Not uploaded
TS-DOSModel 2004.0TPDD file manipulation
BASIC DOS extensions
CALL 61167,2DOS-OFF (change BASIC vectors back to RET)
Delete trigger file
Not uploaded
Ultimate ROM IIModel 1002.12Extensions to display and TEXT, Adds print formatting, Database, Outliner, TS-DOS loader stubCALL 63013,1Exit to system menu. From BASIC: KILL "UR-2"Not uploaded
Ultimate ROM IIModel 2002.12Extensions to display and TEXT, Adds print formatting, Database, Outliner, TS-DOS loader stubCALL 61167,2Exit to system menu. From BASIC: KILL "UR-2"Not uploaded
Write ROMModel 1001.5Word processor from Portable Computer Support Group, 1985CALL 63012CALL 63012,0,1Not uploaded

Use Special:Upload to upload image files (preferably, as a raw 32K .BIN file, not hex, so we get a uniform set.


From Rick at Club 100:

Traveling Software, offered by Club 100: A Model 100 User Group
  TS-DOS         call 63013,1   call 61167,2   poke 63911,1:exec 62394
       CSR (1)   call 63013,0   call 921,146   poke 63911,146:exec 1124
  UR2            call 63013,1   call 61167,2   poke 63911,1:exec 62394
  Sardine        call 63013,1   call 61167,2   poke 63911,1:exec 62394
  ROM2/Cleuseau  call 63012     call 61167,2   poke 63911,1:exec 62394
  Card File      call 63012     call 61167,2   poke 63911,1:exec 62394
  TS-Random      call 63013,1   call 61167,2   poke 63911,1:exec 62394

Portable Computer Support Group, offered by Tri-Mike Network East
  SuperROM       call 63012     call 61167,2   poke 63911,1:exec 62394
  Lucid          call 63012     call 61167,2   poke 63911,1:exec 62394
  Bus Analyst    call 63012     call 61167,2   poke 63911,1:exec 62394
  RAMPlus        call 63012     call 61167,2   poke 63911,1:exec 62394

Tandy/Radio Shack, offered by Club 100: A Model 100 User Group
  Int Solutions  call 63012     call 61167,2   poke 63911,1:exec 62394
  Multiplan      call 63012     call 61167,2   poke 63911,1:exec 62394

Others, where-is, as-is
  Logit100       call 63012     call 61167,2   poke 63911,1:exec 62394

from Steve A.

De-installation of TS-DOS may require some detailed investigation, since
the full effects of DOS-ON/OFF toggling from the menu are not understood.
TS-DOS injects software into upper memory of the laptop, and  modifies hooks.
How this code interacts with M100 is not 100% clear.
For example, do we need to clear all upper ram back to defaults, and restore
the hooks to defaults?  What areas of ram are modified?  
If the work to de-install was limited to this, then the default upper ram 
image would have to be copied from the main rom back into upper RAM.

A code snippet from XR4Menu software, which has the same challenge of ram cleanup when rom switching--

940 PRINT" OK..";:CALL32454:FORK=0TO36:POKE62981+K,PEEK(879+K):NEXT
941 FORI=-1639TO-1441STEP11:IFPEEK(I)=240THENPOKEI,0
942 NEXT:POKE65006,0:POKE65450,0:FORK=0TO7:CALL64712,,64+K:POKE64164+K,PEEK(64722):NEXT:RETURN

This subroutine