Adding Wiki Articles

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Here are some articles on wiki markup:

Markup cheatsheet:
Another markup Cheatsheet:
Multi-page tutorial:

== Heading 2 ==
=== Heading 3 ===
==== Heading 4 ====

The idea is to start articles at heading level 2 since heading level 1 is used for the title (which is not directly editable... you have to "move" the article to change the title).

I tend to use standard HTML tags for adding tables <table></table>

If you have massive amounts of pre-formatted text, and you just want to "get it on the wiki" quick, just put your text in



tags and it should do what you want.

Also if you have a document in some other format, try searching Google for a converter. Certainly there are HTML -> Wiki markup converters online where you just paste your HTML or upload a Word document into a web page, and it feeds you back wiki markup you can paste into your wiki edit page.